# 0x00 前言

因为最近需要新增一个 Flask 技术栈,所以准备趁这休息的时候更新关于 Flask 的两篇文章。



# 0x01 文档

由于 Flask 还依赖 Jinja2 与 Werkzeug, 并且往往大家在使用 Flask 的时候还是会使用 itsdangerous. 所以,当大家说 Flask 代码少的时候,我还是不服的。但如果你说,Flask 本身实现确实是简洁,扩展性强,我还是服气的。

Flask 的文档有三种类型(其他框架类文档也是如此):

  • Tutorial 类,即教程类
  • Guide 类,即指南类
  • API 类,即接口级别的文档


但是当你深入到框架里面的设计与实现的时候,则必须要多读读 API Document , 由于通常情况下 API Document 的内容往往是代码中的注释,加上 Flask 代码量本来就不多。所以,有的时候阅读 Flask 代码代码也会比 API 好很多。

# 0x02 Guide

# 2.1 Templates

快速 Get 模板语言无非就是掌握:

  1. 上下文变量
  2. 条件语法
  3. 列表语法
  4. 模板的继承 (extend 语法)与组合 (include)
  5. 额外的一些语法糖,比如 filter 的使用 / 组成

# 2.2 Testing Flask Applications

Something that is untested is broken.


  1. 非 flask 相关逻辑的测试。比如,我对一小段无关于 View 层的纯粹的逻辑进行测试,我比较喜欢使用 pytest 进行测试。
  2. Flask 相关
  • Setup
  • TearDown
  • 登录前 / 登陆后

# 2.3 Application Errors

比如测试请求与响应结果。比如测试路由。测试某个与 View 层绑定的数据操作是否执行成功。

首先,大致扫一眼 tutorial ,知道了 Flask 的教程讲了如下的东西:

  1. 路由
  2. 静态文件
  3. 模板渲染
  4. 接触请求数据
  5. 重定向和错误
  6. 响应
  7. Session
  8. Message Flash
  9. 日志
  10. 扩展


Routing, 发现现在的问题在于

Flask 有两个主要依赖:

  • 路由、调试、WSGI
  • 模板

# 0x02 社区支持

# 0x04 读文档产生的疑问

For web applications it’s crucial to react to the data a client sends to the server. In Flask this information is provided by the global request object. If you have some experience with Python you might be wondering how that object can be global and how Flask manages to still be threadsafe. The answer is context locals:

Context Locals
Insider Information
If you want to understand how that works and how you can implement tests with context locals, read this section, otherwise just skip it.

Certain objects in Flask are global objects, but not of the usual kind. These objects are actually proxies to objects that are local to a specific context. What a mouthful. But that is actually quite easy to understand.

Imagine the context being the handling thread. A request comes in and the web server decides to spawn a new thread (or something else, the underlying object is capable of dealing with concurrency systems other than threads). When Flask starts its internal request handling it figures out that the current thread is the active context and binds the current application and the WSGI environments to that context (thread). It does that in an intelligent way so that one application can invoke another application without breaking.

So what does this mean to you? Basically you can completely ignore that this is the case unless you are doing something like unit testing. You will notice that code which depends on a request object will suddenly break because there is no request object. The solution is creating a request object yourself and binding it to the context. The easiest solution for unit testing is to use the test_request_context() context manager. In combination with the with statement it will bind a test request so that you can interact with it. Here is an example:

# Thread Local

One of the design decisions in Flask was that simple tasks should be simple; they should not take a lot of code and yet they should not limit you. Because of that, Flask has a few design choices that some people might find surprising or unorthodox. For example, Flask uses thread-local objects internally so that you don’t have to pass objects around from function to function within a request in order to stay threadsafe. This approach is convenient, but requires a valid request context for dependency injection or when attempting to reuse code which uses a value pegged to the request. The Flask project is honest about thread-locals, does not hide them, and calls out in the code and documentation where they are used.