# 前言


本文为 LeetCode 的 Easy 算法的解法集合。

# Easy 集合

# 1. Two Sum 29.4%

# 尝试:暴力解决
# 结果:超时
class Solution(object):
    def twoSum(self, nums, target):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :type target: int
        :rtype: List[int]
        begin = 0
        end = 0
        for i in range(len(nums)):
            for j in range(i,len(nums)):
                if i != j and target == nums[i] + nums[j]:
                    return [i,j]

# 尝试:字典也就是 HashMap 解决
# 结果:读题不准确,数组不行
class Solution(object):
    def twoSum(self, nums, target):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :type target: int
        :rtype: List[int]
        nums_dict = {}
        for i,num in enumerate(nums):
            nums_dict[num] = i
        for num in nums:
            item_num_1st = nums_dict.get(num)
            item_num_2st = nums_dict.get(target-num)
            if item_num_2st is not None and item_num_1st != item_num_2st:
                return [item_num_1st,item_num_2st]
# 尝试:其他
# 结果:其他

# 6. ZigZag Conversion 25.8%

# 7 Reverse Integer 23.7% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def reverse(self, x):
        :type x: int
        :rtype: int
        preffix = ""
        if "-" in str(x):
            num = int(str(x).strip("-")[::-1])
            preffix = "-"
            num = int(str(x)[::-1])
        if num >= 2147483648 or num <= -2147483647:
            return 0
        return  int(preffix+str(num))

# 8 String to Integer (atoi) 13.8% Easy

# 9 Palindrome Number 34.0% Easy

# 使用了额外的存储,亟待优化
class Solution(object):
    def isPalindrome(self, x):
        :type x: int
        :rtype: bool
        l_x = list(str(x))
        return l_x == l_x[::-1]

# 13 Roman to Integer 43.2% Easy

# 14 Longest Common Prefix 30.4% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs):
        :type strs: List[str]
        :rtype: str
        if len(strs) == 0:
            return ""
        current_clip = ""
        len_strs = [len(_str) for _str in strs]
        min_strs_len = min(len_strs)
        has_common_flag = False
        for _len in range(min_strs_len,0,-1):
            cliped_strs_set = set()
            for _str in strs:
                current_clip = _str[0:_len]
            if len(cliped_strs_set) == 1:
                has_common_flag = True
        if has_common_flag:
            return current_clip
            return ""

# 19 Remove Nth Node From End of List 32.0% Easy

# 20 Valid Parentheses 31.9% Easy

# 21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 37.7% Easy

# 24 Swap Nodes in Pairs 37.0% Easy

# 26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 35.2% Easy

# 27 Remove Element 36.7% Easy

# 28 Implement strStr() 26.8% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def strStr(self, haystack, needle):
        :type haystack: str
        :type needle: str
        :rtype: int
        cur = -1
            cur = haystack.index(needle)
        except Exception:
        return cur

# 36 Valid Sudoku 33.7% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def isValidSudoku(self, board):
        :type board: List[List[str]]
        :rtype: bool
        # 横向

# 38 Count and Say 32.3% Easy

# 58 Length of Last Word 31.0% Easy

# 66 Plus One 36.7% Easy

# 67 Add Binary 30.2% Easy

# 70 Climbing Stairs 38.5% Easy

# 83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List 38.7% Easy

# 88 Merge Sorted Array 31.3% Easy

# 100 Same Tree 45.1% Easy

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.left = None
#         self.right = None

class Solution(object):
    def isSameTree(self, p, q):
        :type p: TreeNode
        :type q: TreeNode
        :rtype: bool
        if p is None and q is None:
            return True
        elif p is not None and q is not None:
            return p.val == q.val and self.isSameTree(p.left,q.left) and  self.isSameTree(p.right,q.right)
            return False

# 101 Symmetric Tree 36.7% Easy

# 102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 36.7% Easy

# 104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 50.6% Easy

# 107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II 37.5% Easy

# 110 Balanced Binary Tree 36.1% Easy

# 111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree 32.2% Easy

# 112 Path Sum 32.8% Easy

# 118 Pascal’s Triangle 36.5% Easy

# 119 Pascal’s Triangle II 34.8% Easy

# 121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 38.9% Easy

# 125 Valid Palindrome 25.2% Easy

# 136 Single Number 52.6% Easy

# 141 Linked List Cycle 35.9% Easy

# 155 Min Stack 26.0% Easy

# 157 Read N Characters Given Read4 29.4% Easy

# 160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists 30.0% Easy

# 165 Compare Version Numbers 19.1% Easy

# 168 Excel Sheet Column Title 24.2% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def titleToNumber(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: int
        result = 0
        for i,c in enumerate(s[::-1]):
            result += (ord(c) - ord("A") + 1) * (26 ** i)
        return result

# 169 Majority Element 44.6% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def majorityElement(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        from collections import Counter
        return Counter(nums).most_common()[0][0]

# 170 Two Sum III - Data structure design 22.6% Easy

# 171 Excel Sheet Column Number 45.0% Easy

# 172 Factorial Trailing Zeroes 34.7% Easy

# 189 Rotate Array 23.3% Easy

# 190 Reverse Bits 29.5% Easy

class Solution:
    # @param n, an integer
    # @return an integer
    def reverseBits(self, n):
        return int(bin(n).replace("0b","").zfill(32)[::-1],2)

# 191 Number of 1 Bits 38.4% Easy

# 198 House Robber 37.2% Easy

# 202 Happy Number 39.0% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def isHappy(self, n):
        :type n: int
        :rtype: bool
        return self.isHappyNum(self,n,[])

    def isHappyNum(self,n,result_list):
        result = reduce(lambda x , y : x+ y,map(lambda x : int(x) ** 2 ,str(n).split()))
        if result in result_list:
            return False

# 203 Remove Linked List Elements 30.8% Easy

# 204 Count Primes 26.0% Easy

# 205 Isomorphic Strings 32.3% Easy

# 206 Reverse Linked List 43.2% Easy

# 217 Contains Duplicate 43.5% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def containsDuplicate(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: bool
        return nums is not None and len(nums) >= 1 and len(nums) > len(set(nums))

# 219 Contains Duplicate II 31.3% Easy

# 223 Rectangle Area 31.8% Easy

# 225 Implement Stack using Queues 31.0% Easy

# 226 Invert Binary Tree 49.5% Easy

# 231 Power of Two 39.1% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def isPowerOfTwo(self, n):
        :type n: int
        :rtype: bool
        if n % 2 == 1 and n > 1:
            return False
        elif n <= 0:
            return False
        elif n in (2,1):
            return True
            return self.isPowerOfTwo(n / 2)

# 232 Implement Queue using Stacks 34.9% Easy

# 234 Palindrome Linked List 31.4% Easy

# 235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 38.0% Easy

# 237 Delete Node in a Linked List 45.2% Easy

# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = None

class Solution(object):
    def deleteNode(self, node):
        :type node: ListNode
        :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify node in-place instead.
        这个方法是可以 Get 到 node 点的,但是题目的要求应该不是这个意思
        if node.next is not None:
            node = node.next

# 242 Valid Anagram 44.6% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def isAnagram(self, s, t):
        :type s: str
        :type t: str
        :rtype: bool
        from collections import Counter
        return Counter(s) == Counter(t)

# 243 Shortest Word Distance 50.5% Easy

# 246 Strobogrammatic Number 38.7% Easy

# 249 Group Shifted Strings 38.1% Easy

# 252 Meeting Rooms 45.2% Easy

# 257 Binary Tree Paths 34.3% Easy

# 258 Add Digits 50.1% Easy

# 263 Ugly Number 38.3% Easy

# 266 Palindrome Permutation 54.8% Easy

# 270 Closest Binary Search Tree Value 37.8% Easy

# 276 Paint Fence 33.7% Easy

# 278 First Bad Version 24.2% Easy

# 283 Move Zeroes 47.5% Easy

# 首先想到的这个答案
# 然后 leetcode 上面居然还是打印的原来的值,我猜测肯定是用后台进行 id 比对内存地址。好吧,这个方式最好。
class Solution(object):
    def moveZeroes(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead.
        zero_count = nums.count(0)
        new_nums = [num for num in nums if num != 0]
        nums = new_nums

## 蛋疼,三重排序
class Solution(object):
    def moveZeroes(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead.
        begin_cur = 0
        end_cur = len(nums) - 1
        for i in range(len(nums)):
            for j in range(i,len(nums)):
                if nums[j] == 0 and nums[j+1] != 0:
                    nums[j] , nums[j+1] = nums[j+1] , nums[j]

# 288 Unique Word Abbreviation 15.3% Easy

# 290 Word Pattern 31.9% Easy

# 292 Nim Game 54.6% Easy

# 293 Flip Game 53.7% Easy

# 299 Bulls and Cows 33.0% Easy

# 303 Range Sum Query - Immutable 26.1% Easy

# 326 Power of Three 39.1% Easy

# 339 Nested List Weight Sum 59.5% Easy

# 342 Power of Four 37.2% Easy

# 344 Reverse String 57.4% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def reverseString(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: str
        return s[::-1]

# 345 Reverse Vowels of a String 37.1% Easy

# 346 Moving Average from Data Stream 57.1% Easy

# 349 Intersection of Two Arrays 45.4% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def intersection(self, nums1, nums2):
        :type nums1: List[int]
        :type nums2: List[int]
        :rtype: List[int]
        return list(set(nums1) & set(nums2))

# 350 Intersection of Two Arrays II 43.4% Easy

# 359 Logger Rate Limiter 58.0% Easy

# 371 Sum of Two Integers 51.5% Easy

# 374 Guess Number Higher or Lower 33.2% Easy

# 383 Ransom Note 45.9% Easy

# 387 First Unique Character in a String 45.1% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def firstUniqChar(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: int
        flag = -1
        from collections import Counter
        uniq_chars_set = set([k for k , v in Counter(s).items() if v == 1])
        for i,c in enumerate(s):
            if c in uniq_chars_set:
                return i
        return flag

# 389 Find the Difference 50.3% Easy

# 396 Rotate Function 30.1% Easy

# 400 Nth Digit 30.6% Easy

# 401 Binary Watch 43.1% Easy

# 404 Sum of Left Leaves 45.6% Easy

# Definition for a binary tree node.

# class TreeNode(object):

#     def __init__(self, x):

#         self.val = x

#         self.left = None

#         self.right = None

class Solution(object):

    def sumOfLeftLeaves(self, root):


        :type root: TreeNode

        :rtype: int


        if root is None:

            return 0

        return self.newSumOfLeftLeaves(root.left,-1) + self.newSumOfLeftLeaves(root.right,1)

    def newSumOfLeftLeaves(self,root,flag):

        if root is None:

            return 0

        elif root.left is not None and root.right is not None:

            return self.newSumOfLeftLeaves(root.left,-1) + self.newSumOfLeftLeaves(root.right,1)

        elif root.left is None and root.right is None:

            if flag == -1:

                return root.val + self.newSumOfLeftLeaves(root.right,1)


                return 0

        elif root.left is None and root.right is not None:

            return self.newSumOfLeftLeaves(root.right,1)

        elif root.left is not None and root.right is None:

            return self.newSumOfLeftLeaves(root.left,-1)

# 405 Convert a Number to Hexadecimal 40.6% Easy

# 408 Valid Word Abbreviation 27.2% Easy

# 409 Longest Palindrome 44.1% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def longestPalindrome(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: int
        from collections import Counter
        max_len = 0
        odd_count = 0
        for _chr,_chrs_len in Counter(s).items():
            if _chrs_len % 2 == 1:
                odd_count = 1
                max_len += _chrs_len - 1
                max_len += _chrs_len

        return max_len + odd_count

# 412 Fizz Buzz 58.0% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def fizzBuzz(self, n):
        :type n: int
        :rtype: List[str]
        arr = []
        for i in range(1,n+1):
            item = None
            if i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0:
                item = "FizzBuzz"
            if i % 3 == 0:
                item = "Fizz"
            if i % 5 == 0:
                item = "Buzz"
        return arr

# 414 Third Maximum Number 26.7% Easy

# 415 Add Strings 41.1% Easy

# 哼,让我不用,我偏偏要用转 int
class Solution(object):
    def addStrings(self, num1, num2):
        :type num1: str
        :type num2: str
        :rtype: str
        return str(int(num1) + int(num2))

# 我就不用 int 都可以 one line
class Solution(object):
    def addStrings(self, num1, num2):
        :type num1: str
        :type num2: str
        :rtype: str
        return str(eval("{} + {}".format(num1,num2)))

# 422 Valid Word Square 36.2% Easy

# 434 Number of Segments in a String 39.0% Easy

# 437 Path Sum III 38.6% Easy

# 438 Find All Anagrams in a String 33.4% Easy

# 441 Arranging Coins 36.2% Easy

# 447 Number of Boomerangs 41.8% Easy

# 448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array 61.3% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def findDisappearedNumbers(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: List[int]
        len_nums = len(nums)
        if len_nums < 1:
            return []
        l = list(set(range(1,len_nums + 1)) - set(nums))
        return l

# 453 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements 45.9% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def minMoves(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        n - 1 个元素 ++ 等同于 1 个元素 --
        return sum(nums) - len(nums) * min(nums)

# 455 Assign Cookies 48.7% Easy

# 二叉树?

class Solution(object):
    def findContentChildren(self, g, s):
        :type g: List[int]
        :type s: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        if len(g) == 0 or len(s) == 0:
            return 0
        satisfied_count = 0
        while len(s) > 0:
            max_cookie = s.pop()
            while len(g) > 0:
                max_child = g.pop()
                if max_child <= max_cookie:
                    satisfied_count += 1
        return satisfied_count

# 459 Repeated Substring Pattern 39.6% Easy

# 461 Hamming Distance 74.8% Easy

class Solution(object):
    def hammingDistance(self, x, y):
        :type x: int
        :type y: int
        :rtype: int
        ma = str(bin(max(x,y))).replace("0b","").zfill(31)
        ma_len = len(ma)
        mi = str(bin(min(x,y))).replace("0b","").zfill(31)
        count = 0;
        for i, chr in enumerate(mi):
            if ma[i] != chr:
                count += 1
        return count

# 463 Island Perimeter 56.3% Easy

# 475 Heaters 30.3% Easy

# 566. Reshape the Matrix

class Solution(object):
    def matrixReshape(self, nums, r, c):
        :type nums: List[List[int]]
        :type r: int
        :type c: int
        :rtype: List[List[int]]
        row_len = len(nums)
        col_len = len(nums[0])
        if row_len * col_len != r * c:
            return nums
            new_nums = [[0 for i in range(c)] for j in range(r)]
            cur = 0
            for row_nu in range(row_len):
                for col_nu in range(col_len):
                    cur += 1
                    new_row_nu = (cur - 1) // c
                    new_col_nu = cur - new_row_nu * c - 1
                    new_nums[new_row_nu][new_col_nu] = nums[row_nu][col_nu]
        return new_nums

# Medium 集合

# 2 Add Two Numbers 26.1% Medium

# 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 23.6% Medium

# 5 Longest Palindromic Substring 24.4% Medium

# 11 Container With Most Water 36.0% Medium

# 12 Integer to Roman 42.6% Medium

# 15 3Sum 20.7% Medium

# 16 3Sum Closest 30.4% Medium

# 17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 32.1% Medium

# 18 4Sum 25.5% Medium

# 22 Generate Parentheses 41.5% Medium

# 29 Divide Two Integers 15.9% Medium

# 31 Next Permutation 28.0% Medium

# 34 Search for a Range 30.8% Medium

# 35 Search Insert Position 38.8% Medium

# 39 Combination Sum 35.4% Medium

# 40 Combination Sum II 31.0% Medium

# 43 Multiply Strings 25.8% Medium

# 46 Permutations 40.1% Medium

# 47 Permutations II 30.8% Medium

# 48 Rotate Image 36.9% Medium

# 49 Group Anagrams 31.5% Medium

# 50 Pow(x, n) 27.1% Medium

# 53 Maximum Subarray 38.6% Medium

# 54 Spiral Matrix 24.4% Medium

# 55 Jump Game 29.1% Medium

# 59 Spiral Matrix II 37.8% Medium

# 60 Permutation Sequence 27.0% Medium

# 61 Rotate List 24.0% Medium

# 62 Unique Paths 39.0% Medium

# 63 Unique Paths II 30.8% Medium

# 64 Minimum Path Sum 37.0% Medium

# 69 Sqrt(x) 26.8% Medium

# 71 Simplify Path 23.9% Medium

# 73 Set Matrix Zeroes 35.0% Medium

# 74 Search a 2D Matrix 35.6% Medium

# 75 Sort Colors 36.5% Medium

# 77 Combinations 37.6% Medium

# 78 Subsets 36.2% Medium

# 79 Word Search 25.2% Medium

# 80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II 34.7% Medium

# 81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II 32.9% Medium

# 82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II 28.5% Medium

# 86 Partition List 31.4% Medium

# 89 Gray Code 39.1% Medium

# 90 Subsets II 33.6% Medium

# 91 Decode Ways 18.8% Medium

# 92 Reverse Linked List II 29.7% Medium

# 93 Restore IP Addresses 25.7% Medium

# 94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 43.5% Medium

# 95 Unique Binary Search Trees II 30.5% Medium

# 96 Unique Binary Search Trees 39.6% Medium

# 98 Validate Binary Search Tree 22.2% Medium

# 103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 32.0% Medium

# 105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal 30.6% Medium

# 106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal 30.8% Medium

# 108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree 40.2% Medium

# 109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree 32.6% Medium

# 113 Path Sum II 31.2% Medium

# 114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 33.4% Medium

# 116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 36.8% Medium

# 120 Triangle 32.3% Medium

# 122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 45.3% Medium

# 127 Word Ladder 19.3% Medium

# 129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers 35.0% Medium

# 130 Surrounded Regions 17.4% Medium

# 131 Palindrome Partitioning 30.6% Medium

# 133 Clone Graph 25.0% Medium

# 134 Gas Station 28.5% Medium

# 137 Single Number II 40.0% Medium

# 139 Word Break 28.0% Medium

# 142 Linked List Cycle II 31.2% Medium

# 143 Reorder List 24.5% Medium

# 144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal 42.8% Medium

# 147 Insertion Sort List 31.6% Medium

# 148 Sort List 27.2% Medium

# 150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 25.7% Medium

# 151 Reverse Words in a String 15.7% Medium

# 152 Maximum Product Subarray 24.3% Medium

# 153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array 38.4% Medium

# 156 Binary Tree Upside Down 42.4% Medium

# 161 One Edit Distance 30.3% Medium

# 162 Find Peak Element 35.6% Medium

# 163 Missing Ranges 28.5% Medium

# 166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal 16.7% Medium

# 167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted 47.9% Medium

# 173 Binary Search Tree Iterator 38.7% Medium

# 179 Largest Number 21.3% Medium

# 186 Reverse Words in a String II 28.5% Medium

# 187 Repeated DNA Sequences 29.3% Medium

# 199 Binary Tree Right Side View 38.4% Medium

# 200 Number of Islands 32.0% Medium

# 201 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range 33.0% Medium

# 207 Course Schedule 30.2% Medium

# 208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 25.6% Medium

# 209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum 28.4% Medium

# 210 Course Schedule II 25.3% Medium

# 211 Add and Search Word - Data structure design 20.1% Medium

# 213 House Robber II 32.9% Medium

# 215 Kth Largest Element in an Array 37.2% Medium

# 216 Combination Sum III 41.5% Medium

# 220 Contains Duplicate III 19.5% Medium

# 221 Maximal Square 26.8% Medium

# 222 Count Complete Tree Nodes 26.9% Medium

# 227 Basic Calculator II 27.9% Medium

# 228 Summary Ranges 27.8% Medium

# 229 Majority Element II 27.6% Medium

# 230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST 41.7% Medium

# 236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 29.2% Medium

# 238 Product of Array Except Self 46.8% Medium

# 240 Search a 2D Matrix II 37.8% Medium

# 241 Different Ways to Add Parentheses 40.9% Medium

# 244 Shortest Word Distance II 34.8% Medium

# 245 Shortest Word Distance III 49.2% Medium

# 247 Strobogrammatic Number II 38.0% Medium

# 250 Count Univalue Subtrees 40.0% Medium

# 251 Flatten 2D Vector 38.5% Medium

# 253 Meeting Rooms II 38.0% Medium

# 254 Factor Combinations 40.0% Medium

# 255 Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree 38.7% Medium

# 256 Paint House 45.7% Medium

# 259 3Sum Smaller 40.5% Medium

# 260 Single Number III 48.9% Medium

# 261 Graph Valid Tree 36.3% Medium

# 264 Ugly Number II 31.3% Medium

# 267 Palindrome Permutation II 30.8% Medium

# 268 Missing Number 43.3% Medium

# 271 Encode and Decode Strings 26.5% Medium

# 274 H-Index 31.9% Medium

# 275 H-Index II 33.5% Medium

# 277 Find the Celebrity 35.4% Medium

# 279 Perfect Squares 34.7% Medium

# 280 Wiggle Sort 54.5% Medium

# 281 Zigzag Iterator 47.9% Medium

# 284 Peeking Iterator 35.0% Medium

# 285 Inorder Successor in BST 36.2% Medium

# 286 Walls and Gates 42.0% Medium

# 289 Game of Life 36.2% Medium

# 294 Flip Game II 44.9% Medium

# 298 Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence 39.7% Medium

# 300 Longest Increasing Subsequence 37.2% Medium

# 304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable 22.7% Medium

# 306 Additive Number 27.1% Medium

# 307 Range Sum Query - Mutable 18.5% Medium

# 309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown 39.4% Medium

# 310 Minimum Height Trees 28.3% Medium

# 311 Sparse Matrix Multiplication 50.4% Medium

# 313 Super Ugly Number 36.8% Medium

# 314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal 34.9% Medium

# 318 Maximum Product of Word Lengths 41.9% Medium

# 319 Bulb Switcher 41.8% Medium

# 320 Generalized Abbreviation 43.0% Medium

# 322 Coin Change 25.9% Medium

# 323 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph 46.2% Medium

# 324 Wiggle Sort II 25.0% Medium

# 325 Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k 41.4% Medium

# 328 Odd Even Linked List 41.6% Medium

# 331 Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree 34.9% Medium

# 332 Reconstruct Itinerary 27.7% Medium

# 333 Largest BST Subtree 29.6% Medium

# 334 Increasing Triplet Subsequence 37.6% Medium

# 337 House Robber III 41.3% Medium

# 338 Counting Bits 59.3% Medium

# 341 Flatten Nested List Iterator 38.2% Medium

# 343 Integer Break 44.6% Medium

# 347 Top K Frequent Elements 45.6% Medium

# 348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe 45.0% Medium

# 351 Android Unlock Patterns 42.3% Medium

# 353 Design Snake Game 25.1% Medium

# 355 Design Twitter 24.1% Medium

# 356 Line Reflection 29.7% Medium

# 357 Count Numbers with Unique Digits 44.8% Medium

# 360 Sort Transformed Array 43.0% Medium

# 361 Bomb Enemy 37.8% Medium

# 362 Design Hit Counter 52.4% Medium

# 364 Nested List Weight Sum II 50.2% Medium

# 365 Water and Jug Problem 25.9% Medium

# 366 Find Leaves of Binary Tree 56.7% Medium

# 367 Valid Perfect Square 37.2% Medium

# 368 Largest Divisible Subset 32.7% Medium

# 369 Plus One Linked List 52.2% Medium

# 370 Range Addition 52.8% Medium

# 372 Super Pow 32.9% Medium

# 373 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums 29.5% Medium

# 375 Guess Number Higher or Lower II 34.7% Medium

# 376 Wiggle Subsequence 34.3% Medium

# 377 Combination Sum IV 41.5% Medium

# 378 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix 42.9% Medium

# 379 Design Phone Directory 29.1% Medium

# 382 Linked List Random Node 46.1% Medium

# 384 Shuffle an Array 44.7% Medium

# 385 Mini Parser 29.4% Medium

# 386 Lexicographical Numbers 39.0% Medium

# 388 Longest Absolute File Path 34.4% Medium

# 390 Elimination Game 37.4% Medium

# 392 Is Subsequence 44.1% Medium

# 393 UTF-8 Validation 35.2% Medium

# 394 Decode String 39.7% Medium

# 395 Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters 35.3% Medium

# 397 Integer Replacement 28.9% Medium

# 398 Random Pick Index 39.0% Medium

# 399 Evaluate Division 39.2% Medium

# 402 Remove K Digits 25.9% Medium

# 406 Queue Reconstruction by Height 54.1% Medium

# 413 Arithmetic Slices 54.2% Medium

# 416 Partition Equal Subset Sum 37.2% Medium

# 417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow 32.7% Medium

# 418 Sentence Screen Fitting 26.9% Medium

# 419 Battleships in a Board 59.8% Medium

# 421 Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array 40.6% Medium

# 423 Reconstruct Original Digits from English 41.7% Medium

# 424 Longest Repeating Character Replacement 39.6% Medium

# 435 Non-overlapping Intervals 39.8% Medium

# 436 Find Right Interval 41.9% Medium

# 439 Ternary Expression Parser 49.3% Medium

# 442 Find All Duplicates in an Array 45.6% Medium

# 444 Sequence Reconstruction 20.1% Medium

# 445 Add Two Numbers II 44.5% Medium

# 449 Serialize and Deserialize BST 40.1% Medium

# 450 Delete Node in a BST 32.4% Medium

# 451 Sort Characters By Frequency 50.3% Medium

# 452 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons 41.9% Medium

# 454 4Sum II 41.2% Medium

# 456 132 Pattern 27.3% Medium

# 462 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II 50.3% Medium

# 464 Can I Win 21.4% Medium

# 467 Unique Substrings in Wraparound String 28.4% Medium

# 468 Validate IP Address 21.8% Medium

# 469 Convex Polygon 24.6% Medium

# 473 Matchsticks to Square 27.5% Medium

# 474 Ones and Zeroes 32.7% Medium

# 477 Total Hamming Distance 40.1% Medium

# Hard 集合

# 4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 20.7% Hard

# 10 Regular Expression Matching 23.4% Hard

# 23 Merge k Sorted Lists 25.7% Hard

# 25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group 29.6% Hard

# 30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words 21.6% Hard

# 32 Longest Valid Parentheses 23.0% Hard

# 33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 31.8% Hard

# 37 Sudoku Solver 27.8% Hard

# 41 First Missing Positive 24.9% Hard

# 42 Trapping Rain Water 35.1% Hard

# 44 Wildcard Matching 18.9% Hard

# 45 Jump Game II 26.0% Hard

# 51 N-Queens 28.8% Hard

# 52 N-Queens II 42.5% Hard

# 56 Merge Intervals 28.2% Hard

# 57 Insert Interval 26.2% Hard

# 65 Valid Number 12.6% Hard

# 68 Text Justification 17.9% Hard

# 72 Edit Distance 30.5% Hard

# 76 Minimum Window Substring 23.6% Hard

# 84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram 25.5% Hard

# 85 Maximal Rectangle 25.8% Hard

# 87 Scramble String 28.1% Hard

# 97 Interleaving String 23.9% Hard

# 99 Recover Binary Search Tree 28.6% Hard

# 115 Distinct Subsequences 30.5% Hard

# 117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 33.4% Hard

# 123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 28.1% Hard

# 124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 24.9% Hard

# 126 Word Ladder II 13.6% Hard

# 128 Longest Consecutive Sequence 35.1% Hard

# 132 Palindrome Partitioning II 23.3% Hard

# 135 Candy 23.8% Hard

# 138 Copy List with Random Pointer 26.5% Hard

# 140 Word Break II 22.0% Hard

# 145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal 38.2% Hard

# 146 LRU Cache 16.0% Hard

# 149 Max Points on a Line 15.5% Hard

# 154 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II 36.0% Hard

# 158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times 24.2% Hard

# 159 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters 39.3% Hard

# 164 Maximum Gap 28.5% Hard

# 174 Dungeon Game 22.8% Hard

# 188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV 23.7% Hard

# 212 Word Search II 22.1% Hard

# 214 Shortest Palindrome 22.7% Hard

# 218 The Skyline Problem 25.3% Hard

# 224 Basic Calculator 25.3% Hard

# 233 Number of Digit One 27.2% Hard

# 239 Sliding Window Maximum 31.2% Hard

# 248 Strobogrammatic Number III 30.2% Hard

# 265 Paint House II 37.0% Hard

# 269 Alien Dictionary 22.5% Hard

# 272 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II 37.2% Hard

# 273 Integer to English Words 20.9% Hard

# 282 Expression Add Operators 28.3% Hard

# 287 Find the Duplicate Number 41.6% Hard

# 291 Word Pattern II 37.4% Hard

# 295 Find Median from Data Stream 23.2% Hard

# 296 Best Meeting Point 50.0% Hard

# 297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 31.3% Hard

# 301 Remove Invalid Parentheses 34.5% Hard

# 302 Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels 43.3% Hard

# 305 Number of Islands II 37.9% Hard

# 308 Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable 19.9% Hard

# 312 Burst Balloons 41.4% Hard

# 315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self 33.4% Hard

# 316 Remove Duplicate Letters 28.3% Hard

# 317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings 33.2% Hard

# 321 Create Maximum Number 23.8% Hard

# 327 Count of Range Sum 28.6% Hard

# 329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix 35.1% Hard

# 330 Patching Array 31.3% Hard

# 335 Self Crossing 23.7% Hard

# 336 Palindrome Pairs 24.3% Hard

# 340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters 38.6% Hard

# 352 Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals 38.7% Hard

# 354 Russian Doll Envelopes 31.4% Hard

# 358 Rearrange String k Distance Apart 31.7% Hard

# 363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K 32.0% Hard

# 380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 38.0% Hard

# 381 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed 27.7% Hard

# 391 Perfect Rectangle 23.3% Hard

# 403 Frog Jump 30.2% Hard

# 407 Trapping Rain Water II 35.0% Hard

# 410 Split Array Largest Sum 31.1% Hard

# 411 Minimum Unique Word Abbreviation 30.9% Hard

# 420 Strong Password Checker 21.5% Hard

# 425 Word Squares 42.0% Hard

# 432 All O`one Data Structure 28.4% Hard

# 440 K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order 21.4% Hard

# 446 Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence 22.0% Hard

# 465 Optimal Account Balancing 27.5% Hard

# 466 Count The Repetitions 24.6% Hard

# 471 Encode String with Shortest Length 45.9% Hard

# 472 Concatenated Words 28.2% Hard